Readers are advised to enter the unit and converter tools for converting between many different units and measurements. Our website is packed with 100+ converters and calculators to help you make precise and easy conversions, whether you're a student, professional or if you just need to do the math quickly.
From kWh to joules and BTUs to horsepower and everything in between, these energy and power converters enable you to easily convert between other energy and power units.
Is the conversion in kilometers to miles or inches to centimeters? Our length and distance converters include everything from height measurements to switching from feet, meters, and millimeters to other measurements.
Grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds — all the weights and masses you need to convert can easily be done with our range of weight and mass converters.
With our tools, you can easily convert any temperature values to their respective scales such as Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, or Rankine, which enables you to use the scales that you need, be it for scientific, engineering, or practical purposes.
We offer converters that enable you to convert basic electrical measurements such as amperes to watts, kilovolt to megavolt, and voltage and current to watts and horsepower.
We have also created a custom unit converter to enable you to enter your units and convert them based on the conversion factor.
We have number converters that convert binary to hexadecimal, decimal to binary, and much more. In short, we make number systems easier.
—Wait, how many grams is that in kilograms?
With our simple tools, you can easily convert grams, kilograms, ounces, and pounds to name a few, or get quick conversions depending on the weight in question.
Refer to our focus forms for certain conversions such as volume and area types (e.g. Liters, Milliliters, Gallons, Cubic Meters, etc.).
And, whether you need to divide energy, convert lengths for a means statement, or impair temperature units for scientific capabilities, the most extensive set of tools is available here to cover all of your conversion needs. Use our site today for fast, simple, and accurate unit conversions.
Check out all our converters and calculators, and make your daily measurements easier today!